
Friday, February 3, 2012

Cracker Challenge.

 Can I make a cracker that tastes better, costs about the same and the kids will devour???? CHALLENGE!!!!!! SO I pulled out the ole cookie press and got to work. Let me tell you....right away economy went out the window. These little suckers sucked back a whole pound of cheddar( thanks Walmart The DEVILLLL for having it on sale last week) So while I waited for the "illegals" I got to work. Sent Kev off to preschool with his Dad, put clean pants wait...let's all be honest here.......pajama's and a sports bra on, put up my unbrushed hair and went to the kitchen. Now homesteaders will balk at my next move. I shredded a pound of cheddar in my food processor.......not by hand. Sorry but my grandmother would have been  relieved to have one so I will use mine for her. Shout out to NAN! She is dead but maybe will see this..who knows! D you know how much cheddar is a pound? A lot of freakin' cheddar!!!! So without touching the butter, flour etc we are at about a cost of $5. Already Cheese Nips 1, Pam 0. But hey...they will taste better right???

She's not sure I can do this!!

 So here is my recipe.
1 whole pound ( 16 ounces) sharp/old cheddar shredded. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL GOOD AND NATURAL DO NOT BUY A BAG OF PRE-SHREDDED..........PRESERVATIVES PEOPLE PRESERVATIVES. Dust off something electric you lazy bums and shred a damn block of cheese.
1/2 c. softened butter( doesn't matter what kind) AGAIN...if you use margarine I WILL jump out of your laptop and slap you.
A shake of Frank's Red Hot Sauce
So cream that up in a it by hand if your a brave one ( I was not) Now at this point your thinking " WTF, how does ALLL that cheese fit into that little bit of butter"  Trust does.
Add to it...
1 1/2 c flour
Seasoning: I  used onion soup mix..about 2 tsp.

Mix until it forms a ball or log ( Yes it looks like orange poo) The daycare kids illegals thought so anyways.

I used a meat holder ( gag) to make holes
Throw it in the cookie press and make crackers! Don't forget to poke small holes in them if you don't want them puffy.
Oh right....preheat oven to 375. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Makes about 4-5 dozen

I think they taste amazing, cost me about $7.00 to make triple what the Cheese Nips box has. ( 225 grams)) whereas the Cheese Nips cost me $1.98. So was it worth it..........mehhhhhhhh. Waiting on the preschooler taste test.

SUCCESSSSSS!!!!!!!!! They love them! Next time I am going to try with no cheese and ranch flavour. That should cut the cost down below the bought crackers!