
Saturday, June 2, 2012


I have beliefs and so do you all. We are all different and our beliefs reflect that. My beliefs hoover somewhere in witchcraft, nature and trying to be a good person. I am a good witch. I don't believe in meddling in my art. You can't dip your toes into the darker waters of witch drown in it. I went to church as a child and never quite understood hos being in a uncomfortable seat once a week in a gymnasium could make god love me? Shouldn't we be more? Want more? What about the man who beats his family and goes to church on Sunday? How does he get a hall pass? Church people were balls deep in did that fit in? Anyways I came from a family where we were taught it was good to question, wonder, seek answers, love, hate, cry, laugh, forgive and most of all try to be a good person. . Religion did not teach me that. My parents did. My Dad's tombstone should say " Gone to see for himself" when he dies. I get my suspicious and inquisitive nature from him. I get my intuition and confidence from my Mudder. My short temper, sharp tongue and humour I get from both. When 2 of their daughters announced one day that they were witches...neither blinked. After all, it ran in our family. I have a nature/kitchen based witchery and my sister has a more traditional based system. Neither of us has a coven, but we have a uncanny love for animals that is rarely understood by others. We love the bad ones..the unacceptable ones. Most animals in our house growing up and now are wicked creatures with personality that would put most humans to shame, our children too! We have a third sister but she, like our mother, has no chosen faith and has said she wont reproduce...she has met the kids.  I think my natural draw to the hippy side helps with my choices. It's hard to put any one's beliefs, morals, ethics into a book.   My favorite saying on religion is " Whatever makes you a good person"  Faith is soo much more than our religion. I am fond of saying I don't have a religion and when anyone points out wicca as my chosen faith I scoff. Wicca is not what it once is now a fad for school girls who buy wiji boards at toy stores. I believe in centuries old traditions. Witches should be revered and cherished not feared. I am a physician, teacher, home maker, healer, therapist and above all a good witch.  This is the best description of what my faith is based on and from the first time I read it I have cherished this.

Catechism for a Witch's Child

When they ask to see your gods
your book of prayers
show them lines
drawn delicately with veins
on the underside of a bird’s wing
tell them you believe
in giant sycamores mottled
and stark against a winter sky
and in nights so frozen
stars crack open spilling
streams of molten ice to earth
and tell them how you drink
a holy wine of honeysuckle
on a warm spring day
and of the softness
of your mother who never taught you
death was life’s reward
but who believed in the earth
and the sun
and a million, million light years
of being

I promise to get back to homesteading and good old fashioned home made tomorrow. Life around the condo has been insane these days. New illegals have come in, old illegals have left, summer is here and honestly we are never home, lol. I am currently refinishing some old furniture to well..make it look old! LOL That's up next on the blog along with bliss balls and home made Hippy chocolates! Stay tuned for this and more!


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