
Friday, January 20, 2012

Condo Homesteading....can it be done?

I am completely intrigued and interested in homesteading. It fits my values and lifestyle. One BIG issue for me though............we live in a condo box. So can I homestead while dwelling in a condo building? I can't seem to convince my husband that I could sneak 2 "quiet" breed chickens onto the deck to live a peaceful existence. I can't seem to convince anyone else in our strata that community gardens would be a great idea or that solar panelling the shit out of our roof is a awesome way to send a big "up yours" to the hydro company and other condo communities. Let's share a small well kept secret. CONDO LIVING IS NOT AT ALL GREEN LIVING. Let's start with the excess heat in hallways, lights everywhere, stupid lamps turned on in the "lobby" all day, air conditioning ( we live in a rain forest, a Pacific Northwest rain forest), no composting, barely recycling and the watering of green grass twice a day. It's enough to give a hippy a heart attack. My neighbors find me weird to say the least. I have the wrong colour blinds and run a illegal daycare out of my unit. SHHHHHHHH What's a few chickens????? Alas, the dream will continue being a dream...for now ;) . I believe the microwave is the devil and have not used or owned one in over 8 years. My great grandmother hated it...I hate it. I don't owe a coffee girls percolate! I am currently amassing a large collection of cast iron and copper molds. I think doctors are " hocus pocus" and will try anything first. When I had my son my eyes opened wide to the array of shit chemicals we ingest, soak in, inhale, touch, eat, use, love. I spent a few years on Salt Spring and began to realize the hippies were right!! Out went everything but my makeup ( I can't do it..I have tried) I went back to Dr. Bronner's soap........and I put that shit on everything! Hair, face, body, bath, kids, dogs, husband, cleaning solution and more! At $18.99 for a concentrated 1 litre bottle I truly think it's a miracle. The peppermint will change your life, the tea tree will change your hair and the lavender will bring your bath to a whole "notha level kids. I tend to make my own moisturizers, and many other "hippy" items. I have never lived better. My skin still sucks but the benefits and enjoyment I get from not slathering cancer all over myself and family is insurmountable. I hope to share some of my ideas and recipes here. If it can be made homemade I want to make it and can't list everything we do already. I have stopped buying canned foods.......very hard to do and have also switched most of my baking, cooking and eating to a more natural approach. I have never sacrificed flavour however. It does not cost more, taste less, or smell worse to cook with a natural mind frame. This week we made our own pasta and own roasted tomato sauce and served it with bread I made and butter(not made by me) This week we will try making our own butter and I am pondering ketchup and home canned pineapple chunks. This is just a ramble about where we are heading but stay tuned for more adventures in CONDO HOMESTEADING ( said with a movie guy voice)

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