Thursday, January 26, 2012
Measuring success my way with a hearty side of used coffee grounds.
Lately I have been feeling "less than" Less than a good Mom, less than a good wife and less than successful. I am a stay at home mom. We are not rich, we don't HAVE a lot and I work 2 jobs from home to help make ends meet. Lately I have been noticing the differences in my life and others....the dream house, vacations, money to burn. Today while sweeping dirt from around the illegals ( the daycare kidlets) and feeling "less than" I came to the realization that I HAVE a heck of a lot. I have a crazy wild almost 4 year old boy, a wonderfully loving and patient husband, a HOME, a family and a wonderfully simple life. Does the rest matter? I don't think it does. If someone had told me I was not successful I would have eaten them alive but because I decided it was was so. I was comparing myself to people with different values, families, lives. It turns out that this girl right here is VERY "MORE THAN" We live in 1000 sq ft of condo space....yes, I want a farm. We have one vehicle ( it's new..but who's still a minivan) and a very full life of everything. Life's not always me, it is not. But I always come out the other end more grateful and happy than I was before. So I tip my hat to those of us who don't keep up with the Jones because I firmly believe that leads us down a path of debt, divorce and despair. I am worth way more than that and so is my family. Onwards and upwards!!! So.......What do you do to re purpose your old coffee grounds? Did you know you could re purpose them? I was standing over the percolator today while it bubbled away and was wondering to myself what I could do with that black mess inside the cup. So I hopped into my shower with a cup of them and scrubbed face and body. Let me tell you that this was close to a miraculous discovery. I mean who would have thought that it would be sooo good to exfoliate all that winter dead skin away with coffee!! It actually made my skin feel alive. Makes sense.............caffeine keeps me from falling asleep in the bread dough why couldn't it liven up the rest of me. I did a little google research today and turns out there is quite a lot we can do to reuse the stuff! I already knew about mixing it into my garden soil for nitrogen replacement. Shout out to my Mudder grounds placed into the base of the blueberry plants makes the blueberries grow bigger, sweeter and more. BUT did you know it acts as a hair softener/shiner? A exfoliate, a pot scrubber, a shower scrubber, fridge deodorizer( dry it out add to bowl, place in fridge..easy peasy) This shit is A.MAZ.ING!!!!!! No pics today.....I used up my grounds before thinking of taking a pic!!. Anyways a recap.....Simple= Fuckin' Awesome, Coffee Grounds = A.MAZ.ING and my life.........damn near beautiful. Shameless Charity Plug favorite people, my favorite Non profit society that I would do anything for( My husband fears winning the lotto big) Please take a minute and learn about Cameryn. A very special little girl who started something amazing without even knowing it. If you have it..give a bit. One day you too might be on the receiving end of a small cheque to pay a bill when you need it. Nothing is more important than our kids.
cameryn's cause.,
used coffee grounds
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